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Meet the Masters – student Kristina Chapman

Welcome to the second instalment of our Meet The Masters series, this week we are introduced to masters student Kristina.
Person with long hair. Text reads; Kristina Chapman student masters

Meet the Masters
– student edition –

NAME: Kristina Chapman
CAMPUS: Online

Why did you decide to study the Master of Creative Industries?

The creative industries is something I’ve been passionate about for a long time. For a while, I was wondering whether or not I should study a coursework or research Masters degree. During my research on the types of degrees available in Brisbane, I came across SAE’s Master of Creative Industries. I was intrigued by the online delivery, as it has allowed me to keep my full-time job. Not only that, but I’ve been able to choose how many modules I do per trimester which allows the flexibility I need. The coursework has allowed me to gain an understanding in areas I may not have actively chosen to study in if I restricted myself to research only.

What is your capstone project?

At the moment, my current intention it produces a pilot proof-of-concept episode for a television show. So far I have developed the characters and story structure for the first season. Being able to talk about your idea with your peers has definitely helped in the creation and ideation processes.

What are your top three tips for working online?

If you’re someone like me who is more productive in a location that reflects what you’re doing (for example, you’re more likely to exercise at a gym instead of at home), there’s a few things you may need to do to prepare yourself for online study.

  1. Set up a space that’s designated as your study space. Don’t cross-contaminate with your lunch breaks or gaming breaks. It’ll help subconsciously prepare your mind.
  2. Wear pants to your webinars.
  3. This goes for any student really but learn the pomodoro technique. It breaks your focus into four 25-minute chunks with 5-minute breaks in between. After you’ve done four 25-minutes, you earn yourself a 30-minute break. Fighting your brain to just keep going when writing assessments can easily exhaust you, your body really wants that 5-minutes. Just make sure it’s away from your study space! No cross-contaminating with recreation!
Film students working with a camera

Interested in Postgraduate study?

The Master of Creative Industries can help turn successful creators into leaders of tomorrow.