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Meet the Masters – student Jack Ure

This week in Meet the Masters, we meet Jack Ure. Jack enrolled to study the Masters of Creative Industries after completing his Bachelor of Film at the Brisbane campus.
Man looking down. Text reads Meet the masters Jack Ure

Meet the Masters
– student edition –

NAME: Jack Ure
CAMPUS: Online

Could you please tell us what discipline you were previously studying and at what campus?

I previously studied a Bachelor of Film at the SAE Brisbane campus.

Where did your interest in film begin?

Hard to say what started my interest. I have always had a creative mind, always coming up with ideas. I have also had a keen interest in all things creative. That art and innovation are crucial, it’s worth dedicating my life to. I’ve studied a number of creative mediums, but film just stuck. There’s so much that I love and can incorporate into it.

Why did you decide to do the postgraduate course after completing your Bachelor degree?

First of all, with the current situation the film industry is in, being able to study online to fill in that gap was what I felt to be the best use of my time. Everything before this felt like stepping stones to serious postgraduate study. There’s a lot of people doing bachelors and diplomas that don’t care about the subject. Having a Masters I hope will prove how much I care about this craft and separate me somewhat from those who don’t choose to undertake this challenge. Plus I thought it would be cool to have a Master’s.

Will you continue to explore the same discipline in your postgrad studies?

I am continuing to focus on film in the Master of Creative Industries. I am learning much more than film but I am focusing my study around it.

How are you finding the postgraduate course and how does it differ from the undergraduate course?

There is a lot more freedom in study that is self-directed. I like that with everything being more self-directed I can personalise the study and align my work with what I want to learn. Being able to work from home is also a big upside for me before I had to rent a place in the city just to go to classes. Living back at home rent-free for the time being is positive that post-grad has afforded me.

What skills have you gained from your postgraduate study so far?

It doesn’t feel like long that I have been studying but one o the main things is personal development. The course so far has made me look inwards by making me describe my creative process and goals. This critical thinking has led to personal development, it’s not easy though. In fact so far with this introspective, it’s been quite hard for me.

Do you have an idea in mind for your main capstone project?

There are so many things I want to do, so many projects. Mainly I think I want to develop my own “creative voice” by making content, sharing it, and refining it (a little vague I know). I feel like this goal is important to me and I need to make more of an effort to realise it. More technically I want to practice VFX more.

What drew you to work within the creative industries and become a creative practitioner?

I need to. I can’t see myself doing anything else, at least not happily. This question has actually helped me solidify my belief that I have to be creative. It’s just who I am.

What are your career goals for the future?

I want people to enjoy the things I make and recognise me as a creative practitioner, also hopefully make a living doing that in the process. How I achieve that, I don’t mind. As long as I am making the things I want to make and people know me for that.

A group of creative practitioners in film, music, audio, sound, directing and project managing on a film set.

Interested in Postgraduate study?

The Master of Creative Industries can help turn successful creators into leaders of tomorrow.