
Meet the Masters – senior lecturer Dr Lola Montgomery

This week our Meet the Masters' profile spotlights senior lecturer, Dr Lola Montgomery.
Woman with glasses. Text reads; Dr Lola Montgomery Faculty masters. Senior Lecturer



“I completed a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Arts at Griffith University’s Gold Coast Campus, leading to an Honours year and PhD at the same institute. I had some incredible mentors in my theatre and visual arts majors, as well as a minor study in music.

During the early months of my PhD, I discovered the then embryonic burlesque resurgence. It fascinated me because there was so much going on, conceptually, in each act I saw. Since then, I’ve been a dilettante travelling the world as a burlesque performer and musician and completing the first PhD to include performance-as-research.

Yes, I did dance with my PhD. I’ve been with SAE now for three years, and love to talk French Theory, experimental practice, femme theory and art.”

Projects I have been involved with

The Big Day Out, Valley Fiesta, Woodford Folk Festival, Edinburgh Fringe, Burlesque Hall of Fame, numerous solo tours, original show Vamp & Burn, Solo show The Poor Slob and The Good Fairy, tours to New York, New Orleans, Stockholm and Italy, countless nightclubs and local festivals, and support for Nick Cave and Grinderman.

What are some of the benefits you have seen students gain by studying the Master of Creative Industries?

When students move into postgraduate study, they become colleagues and collaborators. I enjoy pushing conceptual and creative boundaries and creating a space where scholars are able to find new directions in their work and see things they may not have seen in themselves previously. I love creative research and this is where the really amazing stuff happens, students cover their craft bases at a bachelor level, and then they are able to take flight as both a creative and a scholar.

What inspires you about the creative industries?

Often in Australia, the creative industries are considered to be of less importance. I think the opposite, they give us other dimensions of experience.

Can you reflect on the types of collaborations that occur within the program?

Within the module I deliver, Graduate Studio 2, I work with students to find a solid conceptualisation of what they want their work to communicate, then set the scene for them to experiment with the ways in which they can achieve it.

I have just begun supervising a Master of Creative Industries thesis on music history heritage with a focus on women in audio, and that has been an amazing experience so far, not the least because our candidate is brilliant!

Woman writing music by piano

Interested in Postgraduate study?

The Master of Creative Industries can help turn successful creators into leaders of tomorrow.