
Current Student FAQs

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For information on benefits and eligibility visit the Department of Human Services.

Your tuition fees are due prior to the trimester start date. If you are applying for Fee-Help or VET Student Loans, you must submit the required application form and supporting documents prior to the intake start date.

For information on tuition fees visit the Fee Schedule section of the website.

Pay via our online payment portal

SAE accepts various payment options through the SAE Payment Portal, powered by our official payment partner – Flywire.

This portal allows you to:

  • Execute, track and confirm your payment online in a secure portal
  • Use familiar payment options from your home country, in 140+ currencies
  • Access a 24/7 multilingual customer support team for assistance
  • Save on bank fees and ensure the best exchange rates with Flywire’s best price guarantee.

How to make a payment to SAE

  • Go to SAE Payment Portal to begin your payment.
  • Select the country from where you are paying and your preferred payment method.
  • Enter your payment details and confirm your payment booking.
  • Receive instructions on how to complete the payment process, depending on your payment method.
  • Once payment is made you will have access to real-time payment tracking through email, in-app and text alerts

Watch these videos to find out more about Flywire

How Flywire works

How to make a payment using Flywire

How to make an International Bank Transfer using Flywire

Having trouble with Flywire?

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 2 8311 4772
International Phone Numbers & FAQs:


SAE is committed to providing equal opportunities for students with disabilities or special learning needs. For more information visit Student Services.

SAE campuses offer “Strong Foundations” programs at each campus and provide bespoke written English and other academic support through the Library and Learning Centers.

Your local student services team will be able to help you.


This can vary depending on the campus and course. You may, for example, have a larger lecture group for common units, and a smaller tutorial group of 8-15 students. In most cases tutorial sizes average 15 – 30 students.

Students who are well organised find casual or part-time work most manageable.

This is dependant on how many units you study per trimester. You should expect to be on campus one day a week per unit of study. If, for example, you are completing your studies via the full time fast track mode, you should expect to be on campus four days a week.

We always welcome feedback. Any member of SAE staff are happy to hear what you have to say and ensure that this information makes its way to the most appropriate person. Students are also welcomed to provide feedback via our student surveys and Staff-Student Consultative Committees which are held at each SAE campus. SAE students may also become members of the local student council and/or National Student Consultative Committee (NSCC). These bodies provide students with an excellent opportunity to enhance student life. For more information, contact your local local student services team.


Students can access campus facilities during opening hours. Please contact your campus for timings.

You can have your email password reset by emailing the request through to [email protected]

You have 10 days after the due date to lodge a Special Consideration form. Check out the Student Form page to access the form.

SAE Alumni is a network of SAE graduates. When you graduate, you will have the opportunity to join the global Alumni Association as well as the Australia & New Zealand Alumni Association. See some of our Alumni here.

If you need to provide a medical certificate for any reason, please ensure that you provide this to the Student Services Advisor at your campus.

A full time fast track study load is defined as 40 hours per week. Of this 40 hours you can expect 12-15 hours of face-to-face teaching time. The additional hours of study include collaborative work (i.e. recording sessions) and individual study time.

Visa extensions are subject to approval by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). If you need to extend your visa, you must apply to SAE for a new electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE). For information about visa extensions and renewals please visit the extending your stay section of the DHA website.


Each SAE campus has an elected Student Council (SC), representing the student body on a range of matters, including events, activities, services and student experience.

There is also a single National Student-Staff Committee (NSSC), which is a sub-committee of SAE’s Academic Board. Elected representatives are made up of SC members who contribute to national decision making, such as Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) priorities and activities; and seek and provide feedback from students about relevant SAE services, programs and policies.

SAE’s Academic Board also has two student members who contribute a student perspective to important institutional decision-making processes. These roles are filled when they become vacant (usually every two years) and the representatives are selected by a student panel.

To be eligible for the National Student-Staff Committee you must be elected to your local Student Council via the annual election process.

If you are interested in nominating for membership of the National Student Consultative Committee and/or your local Student Council you will be asked to nominate in Week 4. Nominations will be vetted for eligibility and must include a 150-200 word statement supporting your nomination.

To be eligible for the Student Council and/or National Student-Staff Committee you must:

  • be enrolled with no misconduct or financial issues;
  • have completed at least one trimester of study at SAE; and
  • uphold SAE’s policies and procedures, such as those relating to conduct, inclusive and ethical behaviour, health, safety and wellbeing, and conflict of interest.

The position for the Student Council and National Student-Staff Committee is for one year. Elections are held annually in Trimester 1 each year. Visit here for more information.

There are many benefits to representing your peers:

  • Connecting and working with your peers and campus staff to influence activities and events;
  • Gaining valuable leadership, teamwork and event management skills;
  • Applying event management skills, and contributing to a vibrant and inclusive campus culture;
  • Being recognised for your initiative, leadership and contribution, including an award on graduation; and
  • Gaining a positive and impressive addition to your CV, for future employment.

Voting for the Student Council and National Student-Staff Committee will open in Week 5. An online voting form will be emailed to you, along with instructions on how to vote.

Information about the election and voting process will be sent to all students ahead of the elections. If you have any questions, please speak to the Student Experience Team.

Yes, the meetings are open to all current students. Students are invited to attend and have input. All students will be notified of upcoming committee meetings.

The Student Council meets face-to-face on campus three times per year (once per trimester, in Week 7). Special meetings may be called when deemed appropriate by the Academic Board, Dean, or Chair of the Student Council.
The National Student-Staff Committee also meets once each trimester and members will be notified. These meetings are held online.


You will have access to the facilities and equipment relevant to your course and on which you have been trained.

No, this is not required. Students have access to our campus computer labs for assessment work.

The Byron Bay Campus is the only campus in Australia with onsite accommodation. For information on all other accommodation options visit your campus page.

Opening hours are generally 9.00am–5.00pm. However, each campus may vary their hours of operation. Students do have out-of-hours access to the studios and computer labs. For more information contact your campus.

For information regarding parking at your campus, check out your campus page.

You will use a variety of industry standard and specialised software applications relevant to your study.

Each campus has their own guidelines regarding equipment collection. Please contact your campus directly.

Typically, studios open between 9.00-10.00am. Studio opening hours are different for each campus and can vary throughout the trimester according to demand. Please contact your campus directly for more information on opening hours and studio availability.

Yes – all SAE programs use a learning management system to help you prepare for your classes, reflect upon your learning, submit assessments and collaborate and communicate with your peers. For this reason, we recommend that you have access to high-speed internet access while you are studying.


It would be best to make an appointment to see a Student Services Advisor (SSA) at your campus as soon as possible. It would be preferable to get the required medical documentation prior to your appointment with the SSA.

Unfortunately, it is very hard to provide adequate support without the required supporting medical documentation.

Unfortunately, without disclosure to the Student Services Advisor (SSA), there this very little that SAE can do to support you throughout your program. The information you provide is collected for the purpose of developing and approving your student access plan and the provision of other required support to assist you to reach your full potential here at SAE.

The SSA will only disclose your personal or health information to other SAE staff upon your consent. Please feel free to contact the SSA to discuss your concerns.

This is a document prepared by the Student Services Advisor in consultation with yourself as the student. Your SAPD is used to document information about the impact of your disability on your studies. It also outlines reasonable adjustments which you can provide to academic staff each trimester.

The Student Access Plan Disability (SAPD) is developed by the Student Services Advisor (SSA) in consultation with yourself. The SSA will need to see the medical documentation you provide. The SSA then seeks feedback from the Department Coordinator and Campus Academic Coordinator before the SAPD is finalised and an electronic copy sent to you. Please note, the SAPD may not necessarily disclose the nature of your disability, only the impact that your disability has on your ability to study, and the reasonable adjustments that may be required.

You can then use your SAPD to negotiate reasonable adjustments with academic staff in your modules.

It is important to note that you are not obliged to disclose your disability to academic staff after finalisation of the SAPD, but of equal importance is that the relevant SAE staff may not be able to meet your needs if they are not informed of your individual circumstances.

You will need to apply for Special Consideration, which must be made in writing and accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation.

You will need to complete the application within 3 working days of your examination, and for assignments, must be lodged before or with the submission of your assignment.

If you have a SAPD in place and your current illness is related to the diagnosis on your SAPD, you do not need to provide any further medical documentation with your Special Consideration Form.

If your current illness / condition is related to something other than what’s on your SAPD, you will need to provide further medical documentation to support your application for Special Consideration.

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