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Olivia’s passion for animation

Olivia Pease believes SAE is a place of learning and not just learning about animation but that it is also about discovering yourself and making connections with others. Read on to find out more about what student life is like for Olivia.
SAE Student named Olivia Pease

– Student Edition –

NAME: Olivia Pease
CAMPUS: Brisbane
DISCIPLINE: Bachelor of Animation

What do you most enjoy about student life at SAE?

The connections I have made my peers and teachers. I have made so many like-minded friends that share the same passion for animation across trimesters.

What are your plans for when you graduate?

I’m working hard to break into the industry after graduation and to continue my support and involvement within SAE. Learning doesn’t stop when University ends, SAE has taught me how to manage my own development, and I will continue to grow my skills.

Who inspires you?

The significant idol in my discipline that inspires me is Rebecca Sugar, the first female show creator for Cartoon Network. I strive to try and emulate her messages of love, passion, perseverance, and self-acceptance in my work and projects.

Tell us about SAE campus life?

I try to get involved where I can, volunteering my time at functions and taking part in various events. As a Student Partner, I help guide the intake on Orientation Day, encouraging students about their courses and the opportunities they can get out of SAE’s campus life. The great thing about the campus is the opening hours, if I need to stay back and catch up on work, then I definitely can- late into the evening!

Have you studied previously?

I have, I went to TAFE on the Gold Coast for a Certificate III in Screen and Media during High School.

What is your favourite software?

Photoshop! When you have a good understanding of a program’s interface and capabilities, you can make it work for you!

What advice would you give to someone considering coming to SAE?

SAE can be whatever you need it to be, acting as a platform for new connections and opportunities. SAE has allowed me to completely reinvent myself.

I was very shy and anxious in High School, but SAE’s environment has allowed me to exercise a new level of confidence and leadership that I have always wanted. I’ve made some really good friends here that I’ll probably have for life.

Take chances, and get involved! SAE could be a great stepping stone in your career’s direction.

Olivia established the Animation collab called AniMedley
Bachelor of Creative Industries

Interested in studying Animation?

Animation is one of the few industries that allows you to create what has never been seen before, limited only by your imagination.