
Meet SAE animation student Isabelle Fischer

During her studies, Isabelle is constantly expanding her skills in 2D and 3D animation. With a love of dragons and novels, this talented animator has a dream to make her own TV series.
Student wearing blue jersey. Text reads Student Edition #SAEcrew Isabelle Fischer

– student edition –

NAME: Isabelle Fischer
DISCIPLINE: Diploma of Animation


What do you most enjoy about student life at SAE?

I enjoy the projects the most. I love being busy and finishing something that you’ve spent a lot of time working on is very rewarding. I especially love the way they allow us to unleash

What are your plans for when you graduate?

Short term, I’d like to finish some personal projects I’ve been working on and start looking for work in the animation industry. Long term, my dream is to make my own animated TV shows.

Can you share an artist or professional in your discipline that inspires you?

One of my idols is Jeremy Zag. He is the founder of Zag Studios and has produced one of my favourite shows. I am really inspired by his ambition and creativity.


Could you please tell us a little about your involvement with SAE campus life?

I like to spend a lot of time in the library. There are so many books and resources that are really helpful, and I’ve already bumped into a few interesting people there that has given me opportunities to collaborate with the various other disciplines at SAE.


What do you enjoy most about studying Animation at SAE?

I really love coming up with interesting stories and designing characters that can be brought to life through animation. I also enjoy animating in 2D, it’s really fun and quite therapeutic.

What is your favourite software you use?

The Procreate app.

What is your favourite hardware you use?

I really love working on my iPad, as it’s easy to use and can be taken pretty much everywhere except underwater and maybe outer space.

What projects have you worked on?

I’ve worked on a few projects so far, my favourites being the ones that involve drawing. I’d say the one I’m most proud of at the moment would be the animation exercises we did around the middle of our first trimester.

Basically, we were given a list of the types of animations we needed to make, but the way we did them was up to us. This project took the longest amount of time to complete out of everything we’ve done so far. I learned a lot and I now have a much better understanding of how animation works.


What advice would you give to someone considering coming to SAE?

If you’re like me and you’ve just finished high school, the learning style is going to be quite different from what you’re used to. You’ll need to learn how to manage your time and be self-motivated. The way you’ll get the most out of studying here, is if you don’t just do the bare minimum, but dive in and do as much as you can. You’ll find it’s actually really fun and you’ll be much better prepared for what the industry will be like. Also, if you ever feel confused or overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to ask for help.

When I first started I found myself struggling with 3D animation, as it was completely new to me. My lecturer was always happy to help me and answer any questions I had, and it gets easier once you start to wrap your head around how it works.

What is Orientation and the first day of SAE like?

Orientation helps you settle in and get to know some of the faces you’ll be working with during your time at SAE. They tell you how the assignments work and the way they’re marked and basically everything you need to know. They also help you set up all your online logins and show you how to find everything.

On my first day at SAE, I was really nervous because I wasn’t sure if I was going to fit in or if the work was going to be too hard. Everyone was really nice and the work was actually pretty easy. As long as you read the project brief, the assignments are generally pretty straight forward and you can always ask for help when you need it.

Do you have any helpful tips to share with fellow students?

Make sure you manage your time. Take some time each week to work on each assignment you have and prioritise the ones that are due sooner.

Also, make sure you don’t forget to look after yourself. It’s important to make sure you’re eating properly and getting enough sleep. Some things that I’ve been doing are learning some new recipes that can be prepared in the mornings before I leave and set a specific time in the evening where I have to stop working on assignments, so I can wind down before bed and do something I enjoy, like watching a movie, reading, or spending time with my family.

What is the best fun fact about yourself?

I am a huge nerd and have a massive obsession with dragons, possibly even an unhealthy obsession with dragons. I just love them so much! I think my family is concerned about me.

What have you accomplished that you are most proud of?

I am most proud of the two novels I wrote during my last years of high school.

Who are 3 people you would invite to dinner, dead or alive?

I would invite Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, who are two of my favourite writers. I would also invite Jeremy Zag, who produces animated television shows and movies, and whom I find super inspirational.

Man sits at two computer screens with Animation modelling software and editing a 3D model

Interested in studying Animation?

Animation is one of the few industries that allows you to create what has never been seen before, limited only by your imagination.