
Meet the Masters – student Naomi Robinson

This week in Meet the Masters, we meet Naomi Robinson, SAE postgraduate student who is undertaking the Graduate Diploma of Creative Industries.
Picture of Naomi Robinson

Meet the Masters
– student edition –

NAME: Naomi Robinson
CAMPUS: Online

Why did you decide to undertake postgraduate study?

I have studied for postgraduate degrees previously. I actually didn’t think I would return to study, but I had one of those epiphany moments where I realised that although I was passionate about the career path I had built, I was always just as passionate about writing. I couldn’t justify why I wasn’t trying to chase my dream in the creative industries when it is an attainable goal.

Could you tell us about your career experience?

I’m an ethnographer and market researcher. I studied for a long time to get here but underneath every academic and career choice I made was that I was a storyteller.

What are your career goals for the future?

I want to write for film and television. In particular, I would love to be a creator and showrunner for a television series, which is something I’m working on through the graduate studio modules offered.

What advice do you have for those interested in postgraduate studies?

If you’ve been thinking about pursuing a life in creative industries for a while, take the leap. I had put it off for a while, but it is the best decision I made. The course is engaging, the mentors are fantastic, and SAE has been incredibly supportive as an institution.

Have you been completing cross-discipline electives or staying within a particular field of study? Why did you make this choice?

I have selected common and film electives because my dream is to write for film and television. However, I am still learning bits and pieces about other disciplines through these electives. I think being around so many creative people really brings that out.

What skills have you gained from your postgraduate study so far?

This course has been great for stretching creatively, but honestly, it might seem like a cliche, but the people I have met have offered a lot of inspiration and have taught me a lot through their passion for their fields and goals.

Do you have a project/creative endeavour in mind that you want to undertake?

At the moment, I’m finishing a novel in my own time. However, through the course, I have begun writing a television series. The process will span the length of the course, and by the end, I will have completed scripts for all episodes, production bibles, and potential marketing strategies to send off to industry representatives.

What drew you to work within the creative industries and become a creative practitioner?

I have always been a creative person, but I kept putting it aside as a hobby. I studied several degrees and worked in the industry but realised that I could nurture my creative side and work in the creative industries while bringing all my qualifications to use.

How does studying a postgrad course online suit your lifestyle?

It’s definitely great to have the autonomy of studying at whatever time suits me and the webinars and resources are really helpful.

What are your top three tips for working online?
  1. Stay connected to the cohort and mentors. It’s so important with the online and postgraduate study that you keep communication lines open and network. You’ll make long-lasting friendships and connections that you lean on for support and call on later when you’re in the industry.
  2. Make sure you stay on top of the content and assignments. You’ll only get out of the course as much as you put in.
  3. Make the most out of it – take non-compulsory webinars, ask questions about the industry, try new things and have fun with it.

Interested in Postgraduate study?

The Master of Creative Industries can help turn successful creators into leaders of tomorrow.