
Do you have what it takes to be an SAE scholarship recipient?

So you have decided to study in the creative industries and apply for an SAE scholarship, good for you! Please read on for some tips and tricks to help your scholarship submission stand out from the crowd.
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Before you get stuck into planning your portfolio and personal statement, firstly ensure you meet the eligibility criteria, please see details of eligibility criteria and entry requirements here.


A portfolio should be a comprehensive representation of your current skills and abilities and reflect your creativity.

  • Feel free to put more than one example in, but don’t put in everything you have ever created, be discerning and choose your best works.
  • Please ensure your Dropbox or Google Drive link that houses your portfolio is on a public setting. We are unable to evaluate your work if we are unable to access it. Get someone NEW to check that they play properly. Relying on your own check or someone you regularly share with may not show up a permissions error.
  • Keep it interesting! The selection panel wants to be excited about your work and your potential.
  • Your work doesn’t have to be the most technically advanced yet, that’s why you are coming to study with us, but it does need to showcase your passion for your chosen field, and your creative approach to the themes.
  • Keep it short, but varied. Cut together the “best bits” of several things if that is appropriate.


  • Provide information about your background and motivations behind wanting a career within Creative Industries – and how SAE can help you in your career.
  • Be honest with your goals and ambitions.
  • Demonstrate your leadership qualities – what would you bring to campus life?
    Please proofread your statement, this is very important. Grammatical and spelling errors will overshadow the content (get someone to check it over for you just to be sure).
  • Stick to the word limits. Try not to be under too much and definitely don’t go over.


  • Don’t be afraid to sell yourself, if ever there is an opportunity to talk yourself up, this is it!
  • Make it unique, just like you.
  • Go the extra mile, the selection panel will be able to see the effort you have put in.
  • Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get chosen, talent and skills are something that can be developed, and finding your voice can be a learning journey. Don’t give up!


Visit our Scholarships page for more information.

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Interested in applying for a scholarship at SAE?

The SAE Scholarship program invests in future industry professionals; rewarding creative skills, academic excellence, and strong leadership. SAE Australia offers a range of domestic scholarships to assist students during their studies including full-tuition scholarships, grants, and bursaries.