
9 tips to get your foot in the creative industries door

The creative industries are known for their tight networks, so getting ‘your foot in the door’ can be a real challenge.
Two people working together, smiling.

When you have the chance to be interviewed for a job or a work placement at your dream production house, design agency or film studio, how do you stand out and be memorable? How will they know how talented you are… and how much you want this gig?

Firstly, don’t panic! Read on.

We spoke to Tahlia, Industry Liaison Coordinator at SAE Creative Media Institute. Her job is entirely about connecting students with the industry, so she’s got all the tips and tricks you need to know.

1. Know your talents and skills: What do you love doing? Where are your strengths? Now think about why these things would be of value to the place you’d like to work. This is your unique selling point!

2. Do your research: Want to work at a specific studio or with a particular artist? Know everything about the company and the key individuals within it. LinkedIn is a great source of info, and for connecting you with key industry groups, bodies and associations. Get connected!

3. Be prepared: Have a professional, industry-quality resume and online portfolio that highlights your relevant and unique attributes and skills. Stand out as a creative professional and be memorable. Being visible is important.

"Have a professional, industry-quality resume and online portfolio that highlights your relevant and unique attributes and skills."

4. A positive attitude and persistence are key: Having the right attitude and a ‘can do’ approach can propel you to success.

5. Be someone that others want to work with: If you want to be part of a team in a design company, a crew on a film set or a live gig… the person who gets on well with others, is collaborative and a team player, will be the person who is most likely to get the job.

6. Make a lasting impression: Be friendly and professional; ensuring your tone and communication are on point. In your application or interview, show that you know what the company’s goals are. Demonstrate knowledge of their successes and what future plans they have. Let them know what you could add to the team!

7. Network and build long-term relationships: Professional networking in the creative industries is important (remember what we said about getting that foot in the door?). It can put you in front of employers and colleagues who are looking for collaborators. Employers feel more comfortable hiring people who have been recommended. Be active in your industry.

8. Make your interview count: If you’re lucky enough to secure an interview – or even a casual chat, make the most of it and know who you’ll be meeting with. A few compliments up your sleeve aimed at the career achievements of the people interviewing you never hurts – Everyone has an ego! 😉

9. Lastly, don’t be too shy to let them know how much you’d want the opportunity – it will reinforce your passion for what you do and might just set you apart from the last guy.

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