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What Students say about SAE
Hear from our graduates as they share about their experiences as students of SAE.
Expert Spotlight: Luke Bozetto
“Through participation in authentic multidisciplinary projects, SAE technology students are inspired and stimulated by different perspectives and contexts, working with creative students on projects like building apps and software, or working on VFX and audio, to expand their capabilities and work together to produce the unthinkable.”Dr Luke Bozetto | Computer Science Course Director & Lecturer
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Expert Spotlight: Scott Roberts
“Becoming part of a rapidly and perpetually evolving industry is infinitely rewarding, as it enables limitless opportunities for creative minds to explore and engage. SAE emphasises the importance of gaining expertise in processes and methodologies, stepping beyond simply focusing on technical proficiency, to equip the next generation of creators!”Scott Roberts | VFX Course Director & Lecturer
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Expert Spotlight: Glen Spoors
Glen Spoors is a cross-media artist who shifts between writing, music, games and art.
Glen has written a collection of short stories, two novels, a collection of prose poetry, composed albums across a range of genres, and works across analogue and digital games, focusing on Unity Development.Glen Spoors | Games lecturer
NOW Take the first step in launching your creative career with confidence
TOURSAE is excited to now offer our campus tours in person or online!
Book a Tour
SAE boasts world-class facilities and collaborative spaces geared towards the creative media industries, as well as flexible remote learning options.
Why not check SAE out for yourself and book a campus tour? When you book a campus tour, you are given an opportunity to speak to an SAE Course Advisor, who can address your needs and help answer your questions.