
Meet the scholarship recipients

If you need a little inspiration to apply for an SAE scholarship, then check out what some of the previous scholarship recipients have to say.
Picture of ten SAE scholarship recipients


Emily Shepherd

What did being a recipient of an SAE scholarship mean to you?

It meant that I had the opportunity to complete my dream education as a filmmaker and, was offered the scholarship before I sat my final year 12 exams which reassured me that I’d be getting a quality tertiary education.

How has receiving the scholarship helped you on your learning journey in the creative industries?

It has helped me to connect with the SAE community more deeply, with helping out with events such as open days were I got to talk with prospective film students about how SAE inspired me to continue and strive for my dream career as a screenplay writer.

Could you please share the details of a recent project you have worked on?

I am currently in Trimester 5 and I am working on pre-production for my capstone project. It is a short experimental thriller called Fragments. To follow along with the production journey you can follow the film on Instagram or Facebook.

Do you have any advice for those thinking about applying for an SAE scholarship?

Just do it! I never thought that I’d receive one because I hadn’t had much experience with the technical side of filmmaking, just writing. The application process is so easy, It is so worth it!

Why would you recommend SAE for those interested in the creative industries?

For me, SAE has provided me with a hands-on learning experience that has deepened my knowledge of all aspects of filmmaking more than I ever thought possible.


Daniel Schluter

What did being a recipient of an SAE scholarship mean to you?

Receiving an SAE scholarship really kick-started my career. Coming into SAE I knew I had skills in certain areas but lacked in others, in particular aerial photography/videography. Funnily enough, I had barely done any ground camera work. It was a matter of transferring the skills and knowledge I had learned from flying a drone to the skills needed to operate a camera on the ground. The scholarship allowed me to have confidence in the skills I had already developed. It provided me with self-confidence which allowed me to learn cinematography and videography techniques and skills. It really provided me with the confidence that I needed when starting the course.

How has receiving the scholarship helped you on your learning journey in the creative industries?

Receiving the scholarship has helped me with my creative career by allowing me to make strong connections with peers and lectures, which has resulted in videography work outside of class. I would have never had the opportunity to do some of the work I have been able to do if I hadn’t received the scholarship from SAE. It really allows you to connect with other people in a much different way than simply just being another student. SAE is a community, everyone helps every one, no matter what discipline, age or a level of knowledge someone has.

Could you please share the details of a recent project you have worked on?

My most recent project would be the documentary I completed, which was the project for the FLM225 documentary class.

The project name was Downhill, the synopsis is:

Downhill is a documentary about Harry Ollier, a 21-year-old mountain bike enthusiast who has been diagnosed with ADHD and Bipolar. It explores the story of how he uses mountain biking as a coping strategy. We are provided with an insight into why mountain biking has been his choice of physical activity. Harry’s Aunty Kate Ollier is a clinical psychologist who provides her sentiment on coping strategies people can use to help separate themselves from mental health.


Downhill is a passion project I had been working on and off for about a year, pretty much since I started at SAE in 2019. I had the idea but didn’t know how to execute it properly. It wasn’t until the start of this year that I really spent the time and effort inside and outside of class to complete the project. It hasn’t been released publicly as of yet, because I am going to be reworking the story, cutting it down and extending it out to a 15/20 minute documentary, and aiming to submit it for film festivals. The reason why it hasn’t been released publicly is the fact that I will be using parts of the interviews that have already been shot, along with filming new interviews to narrow down the story. I will be spending all my effort on the new extended documentary once I graduate in December.

Do you have any advice for those thinking about applying for an SAE scholarship?

You might not think your skillset/knowledge is good enough, just apply anyway. Sometimes you undervalue your own work and don’t realise how good it really is until someone else views it from a different angle.

Why would you recommend SAE for those interested in the creative industries?

I would recommend SAE to anyone who is interested in the creative industries because of the practicality of SAE. You are provided with all the opportunities to get your hands on the gear from day dot. If you are lucky enough like me, you may even get the opportunity to work on many other projects outside of your class. This not only allows you to continually develop your skills but really learn many things from being on set. It also allows you to develop more connections which is one of the most powerful things.


Ava Knight

What did being a recipient of an SAE scholarship mean to you?

I was so excited and proud to be a scholarship recipient it gave me a sense of achievement and solidified by the work I submitted with my application that I was recognised and had skills to achieve my dream of becoming an editor.

How has receiving the scholarship helped you on your learning journey in the creative industries?

Receiving the scholarship has given me the confidence and desire to excel, absorb and learn in a creative environment.

Could you please share the details of a recent project you have worked on?

I am currently working on my capstone project. I am working on two short films. I am the editor for a romantic coming of age drama titled “Walk this road with me” and production designer for “Posthumous Forgiveness”.

Do you have any advice for those thinking about applying for an SAE scholarship?

My advice to those thinking of applying for a scholarship would be to believe in yourself and to back yourself 100%. Anything is possible if you try.

Why would you recommend SAE for those interested in the creative industries?

I would recommend SAE to those interested in the creative industries because SAE is a relaxed place of learning with support staff there for its students. It is a progressive and creative environment.


Cooper Johnstone

What did being a recipient of an SAE scholarship mean to you?

When I received my scholarship for SAE I was really happy and excited to start my journey at SAE. Before I started I was already really passionate about animation so receiving this scholarship meant a lot to me.

How has receiving the scholarship helped you on your learning journey in the creative industries?

Receiving my scholarship has helped me get a head start in my course and has helped me more specifically know what direction I want to go in the future.

Could you please share the details of a recent project you have worked on?

In the first trimester, I worked on a bunch of really fun projects covering mostly the basics of animation and computer graphics. One project that I really enjoyed was creating a stack of barrels and making them explode. I learned a lot about different software and my tutors were a big help by giving me ideas and feedback. I also really enjoyed creating a 3D animation walk cycle. It’s really cool to make a character come to life.

In trimester two we are currently doing more group work. The project I am working on now is creating a title sequence for a selected movie. I really enjoy group work because it gets you ready for what it will be like in the industry and teaches you other skills like working in a team and communication. In one of our other subjects, we are going through the whole process of how to make a 3D modelled character for either a game or film.

I find the projects at SAE really valuable because most of them are self-directed so as a student you have lots of choice and input to what you make and the path you want to go down.

This is a portfolio of all my best work:

Do you have any advice for those thinking about applying for an SAE scholarship?

My advice for people applying for an SAE scholarship is to work really hard creatively to make an awesome video of all their work. Also, put your best foot forward when it comes to leadership and don’t be scared to make yourself sound really good.

Why would you recommend SAE for those interested in the creative industries?

I would recommend SAE because it is a good place to start in the creative industries. When it comes to the creative industries it’s mostly about knowing how the industry works and having experience. I believe that SAE does this by getting you ready for the future.


Madeline Baldock-McIlhatton

What did being a recipient of an SAE scholarship mean to you?

Being a scholarship recipient really felt like my work and myself had been noticed, and was, still is, a great thing to remember. It helps remind me of my own potential.

How has receiving the scholarship helped you on your learning journey in the creative industries?

To be honest, I haven’t really had any experiences that could be scholarship related, or maybe I just don’t know how to use the title, but it’s definitely made me more aware of the quality of work I create and has helped to push me to try and achieve better results.

Do you have any advice for those thinking about applying for an SAE scholarship?

Just really go for it honestly, I was a little hesitant to submit my application for the scholarship because I really didn’t think what I had done was up to standard. it really registered that, regardless of the outcome, it’s just good to at least give me a chance. So that’s my advice, just honestly go for it and give yourself the opportunity for the scholarship, you could end up surprising yourself as I did.

Why would you recommend SAE for those interested in the creative industries?

What I really enjoy about it is that there are multiple opportunities to improve, and really help one figure out what they might want to do. I came to SAE to do character design and animation and at first, I didn’t really see the point in doing all this other stuff cause it wasn’t my end goal at the time. Then I really had a crack at it and realised there’s more to animation, and I love pretty much every aspect of it now. 3D really sucked for a while, but after bearing with it I now have a new set of skills (and also thoroughly enjoy working in 3D now). SAE has been an eye-opener into the creative industry and has provided invaluable information and experience that I never knew I needed or wanted. So if there’s a chance you might want to learn and really dive into different aspects of animation, or film, audio, design, games, while also being challenged, I recommend SAE.


Jayden Myers

What did being a recipient of an SAE scholarship mean to you?

Becoming a recipient of an SAE scholarship mostly gave me the confidence that I had the ability to pursue my interest in animation.

How has receiving the scholarship helped you on your learning journey in the creative industries?

It gave me the confidence to commit to the course and learn the art of animation.

Could you please share the details of a recent project you have worked on?

I recently took part in animating a Group project where we had 3 adventurers raiding a dungeon with a large number of special effects; Cloth Physics, Flame simulation, and Hair.

Do you have any advice for those thinking about applying for an SAE scholarship?

Keep your motivation high, there are times that work piles up but if you stay focused you can get it done.

Why would you recommend SAE for those interested in the creative industries?

Concise information-filled courses with supportive lecturers.


Nicola Farquhar-Smith

What did being a recipient of an SAE scholarship mean to you?

So much. I remember that I actually missed the call and had to call them back to find out what they were calling about. It felt amazing to get into the place where I wanted to study and it felt amazing to also get a scholarship to go to that same place.

How has receiving the scholarship helped you on your learning journey in the creative industries?

Holding a scholarship requires you to help out at events which is actually incredibly beneficial. I have learned a lot from helping out as that not only allowed me to build up confidence but also allowed me to talk to students in higher trimesters and lecturers that are willing to give advice and talk about projects that they have worked on. This opened up the opportunity to network with these people and other people in the industry right from the start.

I recommend that people sign up to help out at events whether they receive a scholarship or not as they are a lot of fun to help out at, great experiences, and a good chance to get to know people in every trimester.

Could you please share the details of a recent project you have worked on?

Last trimester I worked on a project called Camping With Ease which is a 2D animation that is going up on the Yagan Tower. It is an enjoyable and simple animation that has a girl camping in the bush. There is also an echidna that waddles around the screen and birds that fly around.

This was a really unique experience as it was something that was going to be visible in a public space and there was a big brief to follow that stated all of the requirements as well as things that we were not allowed to include. It is quite an odd project to work on but it teaches you a lot about scope and how to follow a brief. I had a lot of fun doing this project.

Do you have any advice for those thinking about applying for an SAE scholarship?

Just do it. You don’t know if you can get one unless you try. You only know that you won’t get one if you don’t. When you go to apply just be yourself and show your best work. My portfolio at the time had a few paintings, sculptures and drawings that I did in my design and art classes at school.

Why would you recommend SAE for those interested in the creative industries?

SAE is a unique experience. There are no exams or tests to study for but instead you are graded on your practical work and the skills that you develop whilst being there. Especially once you get to the studio classes your projects are treated like actual industry projects with a brief that you have to follow. You get a piece of the industry experience here which allows you to be more prepared for the industry when you have graduated.

Also, when it comes to animation you get to experience multiple types of animation. You get to try out 2D and 3D animation, 3D modeling, texturing, and more. You also get to experience animation in different industries such as creating animations for games, animations, and assets for film, etc. You get to do and learn so many things in two years. This is an amazing and unique experience that I have loved every step of the way.


Caleb Palmer

What did being a recipient of an SAE scholarship mean to you?

Being an SAE scholarship recipient has meant that I was recognised for my talent and skill as well as my possible potential in game design. It meant that I had made it for now, but needed to keep on going.

How has receiving the scholarship helped you on your learning journey in the creative industries?

It has given me recognition for my existing skill and the confidence to expand on it and build a library of knowledge even larger than the one I had before.

Could you please share the details of a recent project you have worked on?

Last trimester holidays I worked on a game with some friends from SAE for a competition also hosted by SAE. We made a fantastic game with a relatively inexperienced team which you can currently play at:

Do you have any advice for those thinking about applying for an SAE scholarship?

It’s a lot of work, so if you think it is worth it then put as much effort in as possible. When I was applying for my scholarship, I worked almost every day on a game for it.

Why would you recommend SAE for those interested in the creative industries?

I would recommend SAE because it allows you to develop great teamwork skills as you have to collaborate with many of your peers. It’s a great place to develop your personal soft skills as well as your talent and knowledge.


Shae Cartledge-Giovinazzo

What did being a recipient of an SAE scholarship mean to you?

Being the recipient of an SAE scholarship means that I have been able to network and have incredible opportunities from day one of studying. SAE encourages students to take initiative and go after what they want – they can offer the resources but students drive themselves. Because we are passionate about what we create and what we are putting out into the world. We want to learn, for we know that learning is something we never stop doing.

Flexibility is also really important to me because my interest in film production and the industry links into other areas of study – law, social work, environmental and international studies – and I am presented with the opportunity to create films around those broad areas. Being the recipient means that I can further not only my creative career but hope to support others through their creative journey, with the confidence that our art can make changes; in perspectives, in thoughts, inactions, in the way we see things.

How has receiving the scholarship helped you on your learning journey in the creative industries?

Receiving the Creative Media Scholarship has supported me in many different ways. I moved to Melbourne in January from a small town in WA, so I was exploring a new life. I was extremely lucky and grateful that I slotted into things quite quickly, but receiving the scholarship helped me feel confident in what I had to say, the portfolio that I had submitted, and what I hope to create in the future.

Receiving this scholarship helped me see my goals more clearly, yet also broaden my eyes to see more opportunities to help not only myself but others achieve what they aspire to.

Could you please share the details of a recent project you have worked on?

WELCOME HOME, made in Trimester One completely produced during the lockdown, written, directed, shot by Shae.

Do you have any advice for those thinking about applying for an SAE scholarship?

If you are thinking about applying for the scholarship, you just have to do one thing; APPLY!

For those who need to hear this:

  • Your portfolio is GREAT!
  • You ARE good enough for this opportunity!
  • As a creative person, you can use this opportunity to HELP others!
  • “Worst case scenario”, you still get to study at an incredible institute!

Why would you recommend SAE for those interested in the creative industries?

Collaboration and working with each other to create a better future is the only way we can be successful as a society.

Ensuring that we are talking, creating, and most importantly listening to the stories that need to be told is vital, and putting your passion for whichever area – film, gaming, audio, design, animation -into collaborative projects creates powerful pieces to put out into the world.

I would recommend SAE for anyone interested in creative industries, in meeting new and incredible people, and expanding their knowledge.


Malachy Hamilton

What did being a recipient of an SAE scholarship mean to you?

Receiving an SAE scholarship was incredibly meaningful to me because it gave me confidence in my abilities and helped realise the potential I have that can be harnessed through taking part in the course.

How has receiving the scholarship helped you on your learning journey in the creative industries?

The scholarship helped me on my journey by making the course a bit more affordable as well as motivating me to do my best and earn the scholarship. I also think it helps make me more dedicated to taking part in and outside of classes, doing my own research to further my knowledge and skills.

Could you please share the details of a recent project you have worked on?

My project for Film Studies was my chance to show my understanding of the representation of women in films, specifically Star Wars. Where I did a lot of research to back up my arguments as well as giving my own opinions on certain topics. I decided to tackle this topic as it is rather controversial, and because it interested me.

Do you have any advice for those thinking about applying for an SAE scholarship?

Definitely apply, the worst outcome is that you don’t get it. And if you don’t have anything to show, try and make something, it will help you with your overall decision of what course you want to do.

Why would you recommend SAE for those interested in the creative industries?

I would recommend SAE because the courses are very focused on making sure you have the skills required for the industry you choose and most of the work is practically based.


Girl sits at audio console

Interested in applying for a scholarship at SAE?

The SAE Scholarship program invests in future industry professionals; rewarding creative skills, academic excellence, and strong leadership. SAE Australia offers a range of domestic scholarships to assist students during their studies including full-tuition scholarships, grants, and bursaries.